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Change of Terms from the July 15, 2007
Please note that the cashback payments you earned in your account will all be paid providing you have reached the payment threshold and you can continue to shop as usual. These changes do not affect your shopping or the tracking of cashback.
This page only outlines the main changes from the old cashbacktoyou.co.uk terms and should be read in conjunction with our updated terms, which you can see in our Terms of Use page.
Affiliate program
To enable us to pay more cashback to our members, we have decided to stop running the affiliate programs to our site, which were run by the previous owner. Any affiliates who are owed payment have been paid. We do have transaction details from the past, so if you have any queries about this, please submit a ticket.
Welcome and reload bonus
We have increased the welcome bonus (which is the amount added to our members account when they join) to £5 instead of the old £2.50. The reload bonus of £2.50 which was applied before will no longer apply. We will be launching better loyalty bonus systems soon.
Friend Referrals
When you refer a friend using your friend referral link from your account, a flat referral bonus of £5 is added to your account as pending. This will be approved once your friend reaches £25 in their account. The previous system of a % of friends earnings will no longer apply as this new system is simpler and will benefit more members. However, we have made sure no member who joined earlier under the old system loses out on previous earnings. All the money you have earned so far will be paid as usual. If you have existing friend referrals, you will be credited £5 in your account as above in the new system.
Payment methods
Due to security and database upgrades, we will be paying our members by paypal or cheque. BACS payments will not be available until further notice. So please make sure you have the correct details for cheque payments or paypal in your account.
If you have any queries about the above changes, please contact us before 30th of October 2006 by submitting a ticket through our Helpdesk after which we are not able to reply to any queries regarding the old cashbacktoyou.co.uk website or its terms.
Your free membership with Cashbacktoyou.co.uk