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Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help? Contact us
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Support is provided to our members through this help desk system, which we have found to be a better way of keeping track of issues Most of the time your ticket will be responded to within 24 working hours, if not even quicker. You can submit a ticket via this help desk any time, day or night.
To minimise costs and pass on even more savings to you, we are currently not offering telephone support. If you do prefer to talk to a member of staff about anything, we would be delighted to talk to you. In this case, please send your telephone number and the times that are most suitable to call you, and we will be more than happy to give you a call. If you wish to write to us about anything at all, including any comments or complaints you may have our postal address is:
Cash Back To You - Customer Support
30 St. Marys Road
Keighley BD20 5PA
West Yorkshire
Reasons for missing cashback or unreported sales.
Thousands of transactions go through our system everyday without any problems and member accounts are updated on a daily basis.
If you have made a purchase and the cashback is not showing in your account this means the transaction is still in the early stages and the merchant hasn't reported to us yet or on a rare occasion the transaction hasn't been tracked.
The usual reasons for orders not being tracked are:
1. Our member was not logged into our site therefore our links weren't used to make the purchase.
2. The purchase was not wholly completed online. If the order was completed on the phone or by any other means apart from using our links to complete the purchase, the retailers will not pay.
3. Our member may not have had cookies enabled in their browser or may have some other security settings preventing the tracking.
4. On the very odd occasion, merchants may have a problem with links tracking. If they do, and we can provide them with all the relevant details of the order, they will verify it and usually pay the cashback.
On all occasions of untracked sales or missing transactions, we will do our best to assist you get your cashback by contacting the relevant shops.
We update member's accounts at least once a day, so that your transactions show in your account as soon as details are reported to us from the retailers.
Most purchases you make will show in your account within a day or two, but some of our partners process transactions in batches and only report to us a few times a month. So please allow a week or two before deciding that the transaction hasn't been tracked.
If your account has not been updated to be showing your cashback, please send us a support ticket. Please provide as many details about the purchase as you can (order number, date, membership number, merchant etc.) as this helps and speeds up the retailers investigation process.
We will do our best to get you the cash back for the purchase made and chase it up with the retailer concerned. Please note that the merchants may take several working days to respond and investigate. We will keep you updated on any issues and chase up with the merchant if there are any delays in the matter.
Although most purchases will show in your account within a day or two of making them, occasionally some of our partners only report to us a few times a month as they process transactions in batches, so please give it at least two weeks before deciding the transaction hasn't been tracked.
After this period, if your account has not been updated and the cash back isn't showing, please send us a support ticket providing as many details you possibly can about the purchase (order number, date, membership number, merchant etc) which will help our merchants to investigate.
We will chase it up with the retailer concerned and do our best to get you the cash back for the purchase. Please note that some of our partners can take several working days to respond and investigate the missing transaction.
We will keep you updated on any issues and chase it up with the merchant if there are any delays.
I have a missing cashback but can't seem to find my purchase details. Can you still chase it up with the merchant?
We would like to help you, but unfortunately the merchants are not able to investigate and locate any missing transaction without any details. They will not be able to take any queries from us without supplying the details of the purchase.
The minimum essential details required to chase up missing transactions are the name of the merchant, the product you bought, price, the date and the order number/membership number/reference number.
Please try to find the email they sent you when you purchased the product, or a receipt or other paperwork with these details. Sometimes it will help if you give the merchant a call and ask them for the details if you have lost them.
Yes, as you will understand it is impossible to chase up any missing transactions that are too old. Therefore, if you have any missing transaction you must report this to us within 2 months. Simply submit a ticket to our helpdesk with all the relevant details of your transaction and we will chase it up with the merchant concerned.
How long does it take for my cashback to change from "pending" to "approved" status?
If you do not know what the various transaction statuses that show in your account mean (pending, approved and paid) please click here
We have more than 1200 merchant partners and they all vary on the times they take to approve their transactions. They need to allow time for returned goods and cancelled orders and depending on the merchant, can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months, with an average time of about 2 months. This is the usual time frame the merchants take for approving transactions; there are no delays from our side.
We update all payments reported to us at least twice a day, so please be assured that we do approve pending transactions as soon as we get approval from the merchants.
We do keep a track of every transaction and do whatever we can to get your cashback as soon as we possibly can. If merchants do seem to be delaying approval a bit longer, we chase them up even without you asking.
In the meantime, many thanks for your patience!
If the pending transaction is less than 3 months old, you do not have to do anything. In the very rare occasion that it is more than 3 months old, our system will alert us and we will then contact the merchant to get it approved.
If you wish to contact us, you are always welcome to submit a ticket.
You can check your account balance by simply logging in to your account at www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk and clicking on the MY ACCOUNT link on the top of the page.
There are 4 statuses that can be showing in your account, to indicate what stage your transaction is at.
Pending: The merchant has tracked your transaction but it has not yet been validated. Merchants will usually report a transaction as pending, before they check on payment details, cancellations/returns etc.
Approved: the merchant has approved the transaction and the Cashback has been added to your account.
Reversed/Failed: The merchant has reported to us that they will not pay for this transaction (goods returned, payment failed etc). Sometimes merchants can reverse or fail transactions if they suspect fraud or their terms and conditions are not being adhered. If you think the merchant has failed a transaction by mistake, please submit a ticket with the relevant details of the transaction. We will then contact the merchant and ask them to investigate.
Paid: We have paid you the cashback. We have sent you a payment via BACS.
Yes, membership is completely free, we even give you £5.00 FREE welcome bonus to get you started. You will not be charged by us at anytime for using our website, either directly or indirectly. We do not have any future plans to start charging members either.
No. If you want anyone else to take advantage of earning cashback and other offers, please refer them as your friend and get £5 free cash from us for doing so.
Your account is for your own personal use and no one else is allowed to use it for his or her purchases. We cannot provide support for sales that are completed under a different name to yours, and we cannot process enquiries regarding them as the merchant may not pay for this.
Our relationship with our online partners is based on us monitoring members and creating quality business to them and we are answerable to them for the misuse of accounts from our members.
Why do I need to log in to www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk every time before making my online purchases?
We need to be able to identify you and to track your purchases, so we can credit cash back to your account.
We will not know who was shopping from our online partners if you are not logged in, and our partners may not know which site you were referred from either. Therefore we may not be able to pay the cashback to you, if you are not logged in.
Of course, you can cancel your membership at any time. We are confident that our members will continue to use our free service and want to keep earning cash back, however if you wish to cancel your membership, you can do so at any time by sending us a support ticket.
No. Our Terms and Conditions state clearly that each individual should have only one CashbackToYou account.
Our relationship with partner merchants is established on the one member per account basis and we are held accountable for that.
If we find any member operating duplicate accounts or breaching our terms in any way, we will suspend them without any prior notice.
You can get a new password sent to you if you provide your registered email id in the appropriate box in the login page. Using the new password, you can login to your account and change your password again by updating it on the "my profile" page. If you need any assistance, please do let us know by submitting a support ticket.
Payments are sent through BACS. You also need to fill in your valid UK address so we may prevent people from outside the UK (mis)using our site.
To provide you with the best deals, cover the welcome bonuses and promotions, reduce administration and marketing costs etc., we can only pay when a member's account balance reaches the minimum threshold of £25.00
Considering the amount of cash back and discounts you can get from our site, the limit is quite easy to reach. This is also to stop people from joining repeatedly in different names just to receive the £5 free welcome bonus.
Whether you earn this limit in a day or it takes 6 months, you can take your time and sit back and watch the extra cash grow in your account without spending anything extra.
Payments are made every month on or around the 7th day.We will pay all our members whose approved cashback balance has reached £25 or more.
We have set the payment threshold at £25, but if you prefer to save this amount for a bigger cashback, you can change the payment threshold on your account by updating your profile to a higher limit.
For your purchase to be tracked, you must complete the transaction wholly online whilst being logged into our site.
If you start your order online and then complete the purchase over phone or by any other means, the retailer probably won't track the transaction and can even decline it.
We will not be able to do much about the retailers decisions on incomplete transactions, so to make sure you get the cashback, please login to www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk and use our links to complete your purchase online.
No, our links cannot be used externally.For you to earn cashback through CashbackToYou, you must be logged into your account and visit the retailers through the links on our site.
It is not difficult to make sure your purchases are tracked so you can get your cash back. Most members will get their cash back just by logging into our site and using our links, without the need for any special software or settings on their computer. But to be safe and make sure you get the cashback everytime, please read the following.
1. You must be logged in to www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk and click through to the retailers websites from our site before making your purchase everytime. Otherwise you will not get your cash back because the retailer will not pay us.
2. Please make sure that you have cookies enabled on your browser, this sounds much more complicated than it is. Dont worry, most computers and internet browsers under normal settings are already enabled.
3. For the maximum chance of your transaction being tracked, you should complete the purchase online in the same session after you click through from our site. If you make the purchase from another website, over the phone or by any other means you will not get any cash back from CashbackToYou.
4. If other people use your computer or if you use other shopping sites, please make sure that you clear your cookies before making any major purchase through our site. Sometimes, other websites can plant cookies or software on your computer and this can lead to them being paid the commission instead! (So far, we have only come across a few incidents of this nature amongst thousands of transactions)
Please make sure that you have got cookies enabled on your browser.Cookies are useful to identify you when you visit our site.
If you have cookies disabled on your computer, both us and our online partners are unable to track your purchase, therefor we can't pay you the cash back.
If you encounter any more problems, please submit a support ticket to let us know.
For security reasons,if you want to change your email address, please submit a support ticket to us.
We appreciate your co-operation in this matter. Thanks.
So far,this has only happened to two members,on both occasions it was due to their email settings.Please check your spam folder and add our email address to your "contacts" or "allow" list.
We do reply to all our members support tickets within 24 working hours of them being submitted,often within just a few hours.We have provided this level of service to tens of thousands of our happy members.
Please note:CashbackToYou membership is only open to UK residents who are 18 years or older, and only one account is allowed per person.
We have security systems in place that detect and alerts any suspicious activities, and anyone found to be in breach of our Terms and Conditions in anyway, will have their account suspended without any prior notice and no cashback will be paid to them.
In most cases, our systems will automatically suspend any member with any suspicious activities. Please understand that it is necessary to do this to protect the interest of our members and our online merchant partners, as well as ourselves.
No, you pay the same price for products and even less if you use a discount voucher code or special offer from our website.
The retailers do not charge any extra for shopping through our website.
There is absolutely NO catch at all!
The online retailers pay commissions to websites for sending customers to them. Most of the websites and shopping directories you will find online keep the commission for themselves, but we share it with you,by way of cash back.
Remember that you will not be charged anything extra by the retailer for using the links on our site, and you will not be charged anything from us either.
No, we do not require your credit card details as we do not take any payments from you, and we will never ask you for any of your credit card or financial details by email or phone.
You only need to provide your valid address to ensure you reside in the UK. However, we require your BACS details to enable us to make payments.
After clicking on the retailers link on our site you will leave our site, you then make your purchase directly with the retailer that you have selected.
We take security and privacy very seriously and we will NEVER ask you to supply any of your credit card or other personal details by phone or by email. We do not rent, share or sell our member details to anyone. Your member area where you give your address, email and the details of how you like to be paid is SSL encrypted for additional safety.
We are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998; and are bound to comply with the requirements of the Act. We will ensure that your data is handled carefully in line with our Privacy policy
Log in to your account at www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk, and click on the "My profile" link on the top menu. You can update your password and all other details using that secure page.
For security reasons, if you want to change your main contact email id, you need to submit a support ticket using our helpdesk.
If you are new to our site and not sure how it works, please read our How it Works page where you will find the basics to get you off and started with earning your cashback from shopping online. You will also find the answers to your questions in our comprehensive knowledgebase. If you are still unsure about anything or have any questions, please submit a support ticket. We are more than happy to help.
We reply to every ticket submitted to our helpdesk within 24 working hours. If you have not received a reply within this time please check your spam folder. Also please add support@cashbacktoyou.co.uk to your contact list to ensure you get our replies.
How do I earn cashback?
- Login our site using your registered email id and password.
- To locate the merchant you are looking for you can search using the category listing on the left side or use the search box on the top right corner.
- Click on the merchant link to! go directly to the merchant's website and shop with them in the usual manner
- In 2 to 7 days, your cashback will be showing as "Pending" in your Cashbacktoyou account.
- In two to three months the transaction will be validated and reported to us as by the merchant, and we will update your account accordingly.
- You can login our site and click on "My Account" to see the amount and status of your cashback.
- Once your approved funds cross your threshold limit, you will be paid by BACS. Please ensure that your profile page is filled in correctly and completely. Simply login and click on "My Profile" link to update your details.
I am unable to login, please help.
Please ensure you are using the same email id and password that you used to register with us. You will also need to make sure the spelling and format are correct. For security reasons all non UK IPs are blocked from accessing our site, therefor you will not be able to login to our site from outside the UK.
I am logging in from the UK and my email id is also correct.
Please make sure that cookies are enabled on your browser and try to login again. If you still cannot login please go to www.cashbacktoyou.co.uk and type your email id in the space provided (under Login help) then click on "Send me a New Password". Your password will be reset and sent immediately to your inbox. If your new password is not in your inbox please check your Spam folder. To avoid your mails from being spam blocked please add our email id support@cashbacktoyou.co.uk to your approved list of contacts. This will ensure that our emails reach your inbox.
I have tried all the above but in vain.
Please submit a support ticket and we will manually reset your password and email it to you.