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Tell Us Your Experiences With Passport Services
Adult travellers need a 10 year passport to travel outside the UK. Each child up to 16 years requires a 5 year passport.
To apply for a British passport you need to complete the passport application form available at your local post office or by calling the UK passport service on 0901 4700 110 calls cost £0.60 per min and total cost will not exceed £0.90.
Documents required 2 passport photos (available at most post offices for just £3.50) birth certificate, married women need to supply also the marriage certificate. If you were born outside UK you need additionally certificate of naturalisation or registration.
Once you have checked and completed your form the Check And Send passport service available at the main Post Office branches is handy - they check for obvious errors etc. so things are not delayed and costs just £7.
The passport fees are as follows :
1st adult /including replacing a lost or stolen passport £51
Passport renewal or amendments to existing adult passport £51
1st child /including replacing a lost passport £34
Renewal/amendment of existing children's passport £34
Extension of a child's passport to full validity (If issued before 26 March '98) Free
Full 48 page passport £62.50.