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IMPORTANT: This guide is only to be used as a suggestion, and no responsibility is taken for errors or commissions. It is not intended to be an authoritive guide.
Had an experience with flying on an airliner? Flight Passenger Experiences Flying abroad or domestic flights between major UK cities and towns used to be an experience for the upper classes now everyone doing it. We help to keep you savvy on flying jargon.
What The Heck Is A Charter Flight? The tour operator whom you book with hires a complete airplane or a set no of seats on a plane direct from an airline. Usually the whole airplane is booked (sometimes by operators pooling resources together) and then the tour operator's job is to fill all the seats. The following tour operator sites offer surprisingly good value for money and our on our cashback plans: Expedia for global charter flights, and GermanWings offer budget tickets to selected European airports.
What's A Scheduled Flight? this is probably the most popular way to book as it cuts out the middlemen's profit on your ticket price and is often cheaper as it's the airline company, an example is British Airways - Britain's largest scheduled flight provider - they sell the flight seats directly to you and the airline's sole responsibility to ensure your seats are available, and that you arrive at your airport destination on time. British airways tickets cost you less here as we pay our surfing members cashback when they order. Finally, just to confuse you - some tour operators offer flight packages with scheduled flights.
If things go wrong and you cannot find your luggage on the baggage carousel tell the airliner immediately whilst you are still at the airport - you will probably need to fill in a PIR form (we think). It's always worth checking camcorders digital cameras and fragile handle with care type objects before departing the airport - just incase they have been damaged in transit.
Airliners are actually accountable for loss or damage of your holiday luggage by UK law - you are entitled to claim £15 per kilogram of luggage. If you have expensive digital cameras jewellery designer clothing etc. make sure you tell the checking staff - you pay a small extra premium called a 'declaration of interest' this insurers your goods to a higher replacement value.
Consumer Bonds
choose tour operators which are bonded - look for the special logo - Association of British Travel Agents (also known as ABTA) or Air Travel Organiser Licensing (ATOL), also if you buy scheduled flight tickets from a travel agent look for the International Air Transport Association (so called IATA). These certification body schemes means peace of mind as your cash & travel arrangements should be fully protected if the member travel agent or tour operator goes bust or cannot deliver your service.
Also it is worth using credit cards to buy flights and holidays - as purchases over £100 are conusmer protected - providing payment goes to the tour operator and not the agent.
Take out adequate insurance - a policy which protects again pre flight illness for example might be an option for you.
One thing often in the news are scare stories of deep vein throbosis - Wearing compression stockings are a good idea - these are elasticated socks which look daft but could save your life - even if you get DVT - which is highly unlikely it is only fatal in the worst incidences and can be treated in most cases. Avoid alcohol before and during the flight as this can lead to dehydration which might be attributed to this condition.