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GoneGardening is the best 1-stop shop for all
your garden tending needs. Launched in 1999, they have an extensive range
of gardening products to help create the ideal garden of your dreams !
If you need a particular tool for your garden then they will have it
in stock , whether that's the latest robot mower for automatically cutting
your lawn or the best garden fork to dig your flower beds with . Their
range is more comprehensive than than most local garden centres , stocking
1000s of products suitable for the young novice just moved into their
new home wanting to keep maintain their back garden , as well as the seasoned
expert gardener working for a large country estate . It's not just garden
power tools either , they have also patio heaters - ideal for alfresco
parties an BBQs when it starts getting nippy towards nightitme , garden
furniture including comfy hammocks and swing chairs , portable barbecues
and even a superb range of small to full size swimming pools . They have
everything covered for the successful country , urban and city gardener!