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QUIT SMOKING TODAY - Make The Decision Now
Try Boots if you are looking to instantly quit smoking. They have a range of effective smoking remedies which even the most addicted chain smokers will find helpful on breaking the smoking habit. Chances are you started smoking young when all your friends lighted up and persuaded you, it may now be the time to say enough is enough. As soon as you stop you will eliminate most of the potentially fatal smoking risks outlined below.
NHS Quit Smoking Helpline 0800 169 0 169
3 Good Reasons To Quit Smoking Today :
Smoking Costs You A Small Fortune :
With a packet of ciggies set to rise to over £5 a 20 a day smoker will throw away over 30,000 pounds over 20 years - just think how many holidays you could have instead - or even pay off your outstanding mortgage !
Smoking Health Implications :
Risks of serious diseases , minor symptoms include breathing problems , lethargy , premature ageing . These problems include you and your family ( and risks to unborn babies of smokers )
Social Smoking Problems :
You are banned from many public places including public transport hospitals and many work places have anti-smoking requirments