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The ROKR mobile phone is the first mobile to have an integrated iTunes player which allows you to dowload from the Apple site your favourite mp3 tracks.
The Moto E1 phone is a sleek handset designed for those who love digital music on the move. Developed alongside Apple Computers Co, it supports the iTunes ® MP3 Music Store. The pre-installed iTunes gracenote software allows E1 users to download mp3s and music artist info from your Desktop PC - effectively an IPOD Phone and digital camera all in one. High quality mini speakers allows playback surround stereo.
The Motorola ROKR E1 also features TFT colour display ; Bluetooth ™ compatibility and a hi res VGA camera with 4xzoom. Now you don't have to carry seperate iPods ® Cameras and Mobiles a great bit of kit - so if you're thinking of upgrading or buying a new phone this has to be the ultimate phone so far.