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Internet » Skype
Skype phonecalls are free between Skype enabled telephones - not surprising it is taking the communications world by storm and replacing normal BT - all you need is a broadband connection and the supplied FREE Skype software and you can do away with your old expensive call plan - and make massive savings.
Skype also replaces your old telephone service - you can receive and send calls to non Skype for very low call charges.
Other outstanding features include - call conferencing - make calls to upto 5 friends / work colleagues etc at the same time - have an online phone party! You can send instant messages - like texts but more elaborate - there are also some great digital services available - forward your incoming calls to upto 3 different nos - mobiles or landlines for when you are away from your PC, plus advance voicemail facilities.
Skype works on any computer - PC MAC Linux or even pocket PCs - 150,000 are joining everyday.